Contact: 01642 482105

All fees are collected from rental income only.

£195 find a tenant, advertising and set up fee then;
9% of rent per calendar month, NO VAT.
Our full management service includes the following free of charge:
  • Valuation of the property.
  • Erecting a “To Let” board. (As required and as per landlord instructions)
  • Attending the property with prospective tenants.
  • Taking up references from prospective tenants; employer, professional, character, proof of income, photographic ID. Not including any charges for company investigations and credit checking where applicable.
  • Collecting the bond and registering it with the Deposit Protection Service and providing the correct prescribed information.
  • Preparation and signing of the Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement.
  • Informing all relevant service providers of change of occupancy including taking photographic evidence of the meter readings.
  • Receiving the due rent from the tenant.
  • Dispersing the rental monies as per the Landlords instructions.
  • Providing an income and expenditure statement on a monthly basis; via email or paper form as per landlord instructions
  • Check-in
Extras free of charge:
  • Periodic inspection of the property which will generate a report
  • Arranging for repairs of the property (as per the landlords instructions)
  • Full professional inventory which includes a full listed report and photographs of the condition of the property before the start of the tenancy. For Ardan use only. Not transferable
  • Renewal of the Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement
  • Renewal of the Deposit Protection with the correct prescribed information provided
  • Service of notice seeking possession and other notices where applicable
  • Check out, collect and settlement of deposit at the end of the tenancy.

Find a Tenant Only
All initial fees are collected from rental income only.

£295 fee; advertising, set up and find a tenant
Our Find a Tenant only service includes the following free of charge;
  • Valuation of the property.
  • Erecting a “To Let” board. (As required and as per landlord instructions)
  • Attending the property with prospective tenants.
  • Taking up references from prospective tenants; employer, professional, character, proof of income, photographic ID. Not including any charges for company investigations and credit checking where applicable.
  • Preparation and signing of the Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement.
  • All meter readings will be taken and all information given to the landlord
  • Check-in
Optional Extras:
Collecting the bond and registering it with the appropriate Tenancy Deposit Protection scheme; The Deposit Protection Scheme, or as per the landlords instructions with the correct prescribed information. £25
Renewal of the Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement £25
Service of notice seeking possession (or any other notices where appropriate) £25
Full professional inventory which includes a full listed report and photographs of the condition of the property before the start of the tenancy. £220